Community Guidelines

Before making your decision on obtaining a gardening plot at Bragg Hill, please read and familiarize yourself with the list of guidelines below.

2023 Community Garden Guidelines

_____1. I understand that each gardener is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their garden plot, which includes watering, weeding, harvesting and any other garden related maintenance. I can commit to caring for my garden at least once a week, or can find someone else to care for it in my absence.

_____2. I understand that a limited number of tools, hoses and watering equipment will be available in the community garden storage area. I will make sure all faucets are turned off when I leave the garden and that any tools I used are put back in the shed. No debris of any kind should be left at the garden site. I will use trash receptacles available at the garden.

_____3. I understand that children are welcome in the garden, but must be accompanied by an adult, and must be supervised at all times. Dogs (except seeing-eye dogs and service dogs) are not permitted in the garden area.

_____4. I understand that if my plot remains unattended for more than two weeks, or if my garden begins to become an eyesore, I will receive one warning. After this time, if no change is made, the garden plot may be reassigned within 2 weeks and assigned to the next person on the waiting list.

_____5. I understand that each gardener will be given the code to the garden lock and the storage closet for access to tools and watering equipment. I will keep the garden gate and storage area locked at all times and return all tools.

_____6. I understand that the Bragg Hill Community Garden is organic, and that the application of non-organic pesticides and herbicides to the garden plots is prohibited.

_____7. I understand that I should only harvest vegetables and flowers from my own garden, or from the shared beds outside the fence. I also understand that community gardening involves a small risk that someone else might take fruit or vegetables without permission. Harvested vegetables and flowers are for household use only, and are not to be sold.

_____8. I understand that at the end of the growing season, gardeners are responsible for clearing their plot. Gardeners will receive notification from the garden managers regarding when to clean their plot. I also understand that my ability to garden at the Bragg Hill Community Garden is not guaranteed, but is dependent upon my regular care for my garden plot and whether or not I leave it in good condition.

_____9. I understand that if vandalism occurs, I will contact a volunteer garden managers to file a report.

_____10. I understand that as a user of the garden, I share responsibility for its care. This might mean picking up a piece of trash if I see it or putting away a tool that someone else left out. I also understand that I will be encouraged to attend two garden meetings and clean-ups during the year.

_____11.I understand that the garden is open during daylight hours only. Access to the garden after dark is not allowed.

_____12. I understand that I must complete a registration form each spring before any work in the garden can begin. I will be assigned a garden plot after hearing confirmation from volunteer garden manager.
